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Sunday, October 01, 2006

Psycho...... !!

I don’t think I'm a psycho or anything.. …but this write up is on dreamz .. which is related to psychology so that title !

I found this website while stumbling and it talks about different stages of Sleep, Dream Recall, Controlling dreamz and Lucid Dreaming.

Do you know that some people actually know that they are dreaming and its not their real life in their dreamz?

I'm not psychology student or anything but that line was enuf to make me read the article .. Turned out to be quite interesting in the end !!

According to the article there are ways to control nightmares if they happen to visit u often by controlling your dreamz .. (this is called controlling the dreamz and this is not Lucid Dreaming).

Can you recall your dreams after you wake up …I can in some cases … well, the article says that u can learn how to recall ur dreamz after u wake up which is actually useful in cont

My Philosophy for sleeping more:

The more you sleep the more probability for recalling dreamzz .. So don’t call me lazy from now on … I'm only working hard on developing lucid dreamzz :)

Check out this site for further info DreamViews

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

y dont u join me in researching abt 'lucid dreamz'? im sure i sleep more than u do :)

i wana know if ther's sumthin special in lazy ppl which makes them crack highly refined, state of the art, uproarious PJs! do i need to say im a die-hard fan of 'your' kinda Js. Keep joking :)